Wednesday, August 29, 2012

NASA: Should Space Exploration be a Presidental Priority?

Kennedy said," Space is going to be explored whether America is part of it or not."
I think that statement holds true today because we are finally on the brink of making space a profitable endeavour.
As Americans we should never let what is urgent crowd out what is most important. That's good advice for families, businesses and candidates for President of the United States. America's space exploration program is one of those truly important issues for our future, if not necessarily viewed as urgent in the current political election season.
Thoughtful voters recognize that the current urgent issues facing NASA need to be resolved and they want to know how we will ensure America's future leadership, prosperity and security.
Jobs, health care and the balance between taxes and government spending are certainly important and urgent matters that dominate much of our national public policy discussion and debate. But history has shown that longer-term initiatives -- such as the Louisiana Purchase, the Lewis and Clark expedition, the transcontinental railroad, the Panama Canal and Interstate Highway system -- have had significant impact on our economy and our standing as a leader in world affairs. Each required presidential vision and leadership. Those earlier endeavors made America stronger, won global respect, and gave America's citizens greater reach.
America cannot afford to squander the opportunity to take full advantage of exploring the next great frontier: space. So it is time for the presidential candidates - Mr. Obama and Mr. Romney - to let America know where they really stand on an important issue that will transform - or stagnate - America in this century and the next. NASA needs presidential investment and advocacy - and the budget to back it up. Nothing less than the future of our children and grandchildren is at stake here. Tell us about your vision which will nourish America's frontier spirit, her ambition and thirst for innovation which were the catalysts that opened the West, brought victory in World War II and reversed economic adversity in the last century.

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