Sunday, April 15, 2012

Planck Time: Concerning the Big Bang Theory-The First 3 Seconds of Creation

I wanted to discuss a time line of the Big Bang Theory but realized that a lot of stuff happened in sequence in the very first second of creation. So, before I can discuss a timeline I must address this division of the first second.
Physics has divided the second into quantum lengths called plancks and they are very, very small units of time. As a matter of fact there is roughly  a hundred million trillion trillion trillion plancks in a second. A planck is about the time it would take a photon travelling at the speed of light to cross a distance equal to the Planck length. This is the ‘quantum of time’, the smallest measurement of time that has any meaning, and is equal to 10-43 seconds.
1x10 (to the 43rd power)th of a second
100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000th of a second
When something is this small it is very difficult to wrap your mind around it.

The following is what happened in the first three seconds after the Creator touched the void and made all the material and energy his creation would ever need.

Immediately after the Big Bang, as one might imagine, the universe was tremendously hot as a result of particles of both matter and antimatter rushing apart in all directions. As it began to cool, at around 10^-43 seconds after creation, there existed an almost equal yet asymmetrical amount of matter and antimatter. As these two materials are created together, they collide and destroy one another creating pure energy. Fortunately for us, there was an asymmetry in favor of matter. As a direct result of an excess of about one part per billion, the universe was able to mature in a way favorable for matter to persist. As the universe first began to expand, this discrepancy grew larger. The particles which began to dominate were those of matter. They were created and they decayed without the accompaniment of an equal creation or decay of an antiparticle.
As the universe expanded further, and thus cooled, common particles began to form. These particles are called baryons and include photons, neutrinos, electrons and quarks would become the building blocks of matter and life as we know it. During the baryon genesis period there were no recognizable heavy particles such as protons or neutrons because of the still intense heat. At this moment, there was only a quark soup. As the universe began to cool and expand even more, we begin to understand more clearly what exactly happened.
After the universe had cooled to about 3000 billion degrees Kelvin, a radical transition began which has been likened to the phase transition of water turning to ice. Composite particles such as protons and neutrons, called hadrons, became the common state of matter after this transition. Still, no matter more complex could form at these temperatures. Although lighter particles, called leptons, also existed, they were prohibited from reacting with the hadrons to form more complex states of matter. These leptons, which include electrons, neutrinos and photons, would soon be able to join their hadron kin in a union that would define present-day common matter.
click pic for timeline

 And this was just the first 3 seconds.
Simple right?

1 comment:

  1. The universe is made up of a lot of stuff. And about all we know about the stuff is that it clumps into different size clumps when it is compressed. And science says that it is the heavier stuff that made up to form our universe.

    That the clumps contain different kinds of stuff is as far as we need go, it is for God to know what happened to the lighter stuff. Digging further would be interesting but hardly worth the effort. All we need to know is that everything, including our thoughts, is made out of clumps of the heavy stuff.

    Every thought in every type of brain, including ours, was made from clumps of the heavy stuff formed into atoms. It takes an atom to produce a thought. And if the universe is a clump of stuff crunched into a ball, does it not make sense that when the ball is released the stuff will behave exactly as before and will become a universe identical to this one? Only god knows what happens to the lighter stuff.

    And since it took millions and millions of years before the first functional brain, and the first thought after the Big Bang, does it not follow that it will be millions and millions of years after the last thought before the next Big Bang? Certainly, we will have disintegrated into stuff before the next Big Bang.

    Time, motion, and God are thoughts created from stuff. If there is to be a repeating universe only god knows. Perhaps the small stuff left over from this one went on to become a different one someplace else. The "God Particle" and the concept is made from a bunch of heavy particles of stuff, which get crunched into the ball. My guess is that it was the hand of god that released the ball, keeping the lighter stuff for another universe.

    I cannot see why there cannot be many gods capable of squeezing stuff into a ball.

    I think there probably is and I could not give a hoot which "One" is ours.
